Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Violet being the color with least wavelength why does sky appears in a blue color?

The reason given for sky's bluish color is that it has very less wavelength.But Violet has very less wavelength compared to blue .Then why does the sky does not appear in a violet color but in a blue color?

Violet being the color with least wavelength why does sky appears in a blue color?
The sky actually IS violet if you were to measure the spectrum of the light. As you mentioned, lower wavelengths are affected more by Raleigh Scattering (~ 1/wavelength^4), so violet would be scattered even more than blue light. The human eye has peak sensetivity at 540nm, which is a nice shade of green. Our eyes are more sensetive to the blue in the atmosphere than the violet, so thats what we see.
Reply:Because God is a genuis.
Reply:Because the sun's light peaks at yellow. There's more blue than violet in sunlight to start with. And our vision (having evolved in sunlight) is most sensitive to yellow light, so we see the sky as blue. That said, if you look at a clear sky in a direction exactly perpendicular to the sun, it does look a bit indigo.
Reply:Blue is a pleasant Heavenly color. Would you have prefered to have created a yelow sky of a brown sky? or a cimetary color like violet?All we know is that the sky is flourescent and it apppears that the atmospheres is blue.However the air is really colorless.
Reply:There is significantly less violet than blue in sunlight.
Reply:When the rays pass in our atmosphere you see blue because blue has the shortest wave length.
Reply:when light enters the earth's atmosphere, light gets scattered. scattering of light is inversely proportional to inverse of fourth power of wavelength according to rayleigh's law of scattering. when sun is on the zenith, light has to travel minimum distance of the atmosphere, thus blue.which has less wavelength gets scattered. at horizons light as to cover maximum distance hence the the red light, which has maximum wavelength, gets scattered.Due to this sun appears red during sunrise and sunset.
Reply:Because violet is spectrally pure color.

The sky doesn't appear in blue either.

Blue color of sky is not actually spectrally pure blue.

Blue color of sky is light blue.

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