Friday, November 18, 2011

African Violet. I have an African violet container. Should I keep water in base at all times?

Should I let the violet dry out or should I keep water in the base at all times?

African Violet. I have an African violet container. Should I keep water in base at all times?
African violets like to stay sightly moist, but not wet. However, a bit of water in the base can be used to keep it humid, which they also like. Avoid watering from the top, as they do not like their leaves wet.
Reply:Do not keep water in the saucer. It leads to soggy soil which can lead to a multitude of problems, the most likely being some form of root rot or fungus gnats or shore flies. You can water from the bottom or top but in 15 minutes if there is any water in the saucer dump it.

If you touch the surface and soil particles stick to your finger because of the moisture it does not need watered. Water only when necessary. Overwatering is the #1 cause of death in houseplants.
Reply:My African Violets have done best by not watering from the base but by misting. Standing water in the base could lead to root rot.
Reply:I know these are supposed to be good but, I never had any luck with them. When I had african violets I went back to clay pots and watered them like I do all my plants.
Reply:I was a treasuer in an African Violet Society many years ago, to assure proper watering use the wick system. remove plant from container add a wick to the container through the bottom long enough to reach another container underneath put dirt and plant back into pot fill the undercontainer with water put the wick in the water and that it, check weekly if the water is down refill it, self watering. No quessing involved.
Reply:Water At Least Once A Month,

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