Monday, November 16, 2009

Would you wnat or mybe think violet coloured eyes are cool?

I have a unique background adn my skin colour is fairly dark but not as dark as mybe a African American. But lway lighter than that. I have jet black hair and it goes halfway down my back. Do you think it will look good on me? and also answer if you yourself would want or think vioelt coloured eyes are cool?

Would you wnat or mybe think violet coloured eyes are cool?
i think violet eyes would be very cool. how are you gonna get violet coloured eyes though? colour contacts?
Reply:Elizabeth Taylor has violet eyes. I suspect hers are more subtle than most contacts. I think green would be cooler with your coloring
Reply:Clarification: are you considering violet-colored contacts, or are your eyes naturally that way? If your eyes are naturally violet, then it would be amazing. Such a rare color that only a handful of people have; you are very blessed.

But if it's colored contacts you want, you should know they are very easy to spot and don't look natural and that they can also inflame or irritate your eyes or discolor your vision. They'll be especially noticeable-- and not in a good way-- in a more unusual color like violet or your eyes aren't already blue.

Hope this helps.
Reply:that would be so kool! i would love to have purple eyes, or gold! lol
Reply:yes voilet would look really pretty on your face (eyes)

well yah. hope that helped

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