Friday, May 21, 2010

Can Ultra Violet light penetrate through clouds and glass windows?

Is there the same amount on a sunny or cloudy day?

How about indirect sunlight (refracted or reflected - do these influence the amount?)


Can Ultra Violet light penetrate through clouds and glass windows?
Answer = Yes

Ultraviolet Rays can penetrate clouds and glass window.

UV Rays are a kind of Electromagnetic wave, different from light ray(Electromagnetic waves cannot be detected by the naked eye as compared to light). UV rays have very high frequencies which enables it to penetrate clouds)

Electromagnetic waves can also be refracted or reflected. Therefore, it influences the amount.

Hope I've helped!
Reply:Clouds have very little effect on UV, which is why it is so easy to get burned on a cloudy day.

Glass cuts some frequencies of UV but by no means all - it depends on the type of glass. This is why fabrics fade near a window.
Reply:I do know UV Rays can penetrate through clouds (hence getting sunburned on a cloudy day). It can also come through glass unless it is UV Protected. As for the amounts, no idea.
Reply:glass and UV cutoff (off the top of my head)- sodalime glass found in almost all residential windows: ~330nm. anything below is effective absorbed. Borosilicate ~310nm ish. quartz 290nm??

Your windscreen has a plastic interlayer molded inbetween 2 pieces of glass. this contains many UV absorbers that effectively cut out all UV. Check out Ciba Specialty Chemicals. side windows and back windows are only one pane, so the above descriptions apply.

So, yes, it depends on the glass. it also depends on the wavelength. direct or indirect is simply a factor of the initial intensity.

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