Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can African violet plants give somebody respitory problems??

my boyfriends grandpa has been haveing respitory problems and they have a lot of african violets in the house. Could that be the cause of his breathing problems.

Can African violet plants give somebody respitory problems??
Some of us have lead bad lifestyles where we breathed in some really bad chemicals. And then too some of us had pneumonia several times as children. Both these past activities and illnesses can lead to COPD. It is not just a smokers disease.

His granddad may have this and not know it. He should go to the doctor and find out. Also an allergist can tell him if he is allergic to the fragrance of the violets. They are really strong when they are blooming so pretty. Yeah, they may be "non-toxic" but they sure make me sneeze and have breathing problems anyway. I had to give mine away.
Reply:According to this article, "Contrary to popular belief, the following plants are nontoxic: heavenly bamboo (nandina) , jade plant, asparagus fern, and African violet."

Grandpa should probably go to a doctor to get tested for allergies. Maybe he's allergic to dust or something like that.

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