Sunday, May 16, 2010

What's the best way to care for an african violet?

African violets like lots of sun. Do not water them from the top! Place the pot in a 1-2 inch dish and water from the bottom. This allows the plant to pull the water up and also osmosis takes place. watering from the top will rot the roots. Good Luck!

What's the best way to care for an african violet?
Give it lots of bright light, but no direct sun, it will burn the leaves. Be careful to keep water off of the leaves also, because it will cause brown spots. They like acid soil, so buy a fertilizer that is made for African Violets and potting soil that is made for then also. Only water when the top of the soil is dry. Don't over water. Re-pot, and divide, when they are large enough. They like to be a little "pot bound", so don't put them in a pot that is too large. When they aren't blooming, cut back on the water and fertilizer and let them rest. When they set buds, start again.

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