Sunday, May 16, 2010

I just bought an african violet. how do i keep it from dying?

Make sure when you water you water the earth and don't get the leaves wet, use plant food such as Miracle grow, it really works, I always killed them and love African Violets I have managed to keep this one for 8 months so far. Good luck, don't water every day it likes to dry up before the next watering.

I just bought an african violet. how do i keep it from dying?
1. Don't fertilize it for a while as most plants that come from the greenhouse already have loads of fertilizer in their soil.

2. Remember to water it but don't overwater it and don't underwater it. I do water from the top but I avoid getting water on the leaves.

3. I recommend INDIRECT light. Very few houseplants can stand the full intensity of light coming from a southern exposure (maybe an amaryllis).

4. The african violet has a resting period when it does not flower. Let it rest, let it vegetate. Don't throw it away just because it is not in bloom.

5. Don't be quick to transplant your african violet to a larger pot. It should like its original pot for a long time.

6. Make sure your african violet's pot has a drainage hole in it and make sure a saucer is under the pot.

7. When you do feel the need to fertilize, only give it a weak solution of fertilizer.

I hope this helps you. I tend to be pretty fortunate with african violets.
Reply:Never get the leaves wet!!! I've heard if you place them facing east, that is the best sun for them. Also, there is a special planter designed specifically for african violets. Good luck!
Reply:Water it from underneath, like put the pot in a bowl of water till its wet.
Reply:Love and have grown all my life......I keep gro lights on them on a shelf for 16 hours a day and off for 8 (have a timer set) . The most important thing is to always keep a string up in the soil of the pot and water from underneath. Pour in a half cup in the dish the pot sits in everyday. They don't like to be watered from the don't have to have gro lights if you keep them in strong morning light windows. have fun!!
Reply:I was given one and didn't know how to care for it. The lady who gave it to me said to keep it in a window that gets a lot of light, but not direct sunlight and feed it African violet food. I bought the food, put it in a good window and it flourished and grew and was beautiful until my little girl decided to help it smell good and sprayed perfume all over it. It died then. )-:
Reply:first of all you should talk to your plant an tell it how nice it is to have it with you, the Liquid plant food I use is SCHULTZ 8-14-9 African Violet plus. All the instructions are on the box. like all plants African violets need nutrients and they thrive beautifully. I water once a week and talk and praise them often. Look at them in the sunlight they are absolutely gorgeous.
Reply:I used to kill all of mine. Then I took one to work and put it in a sunny window. Watered it when it felt real dry. Tried to keep water off the leaves. Cut off the dead blooms. It bloomed almost all the time. I finally got tired of tending to it and gave it away. m
Reply:Neptune is right...%26amp; also make sure it has a LOT of LIGHT.
Reply:I had gotten a very small, dried out African Violet plant that my grandma had at her nursing home before she died. I brought it home and watered it every once in a while and gave it African Violet plant drops and put it in our southern window. When it got a bit bigger and stronger, I transplanted it into a larger pot using Miracle Grow potting soil. A few years later, that little plant grew and split into two gigantic plants. I water them and when the dirt feels really dry again, I then water again. I also cut it back (dead leaves, flowers, or older leaves on the bottom) every once in a while and I still give it African Violet plant food. You also don't want it to be in too big of a will not flower if the roots don't hit the bottom of the pot (found that out the hard way). Good luck! I love my plants!

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